Nite are proud to announce that we have over £4500 of prizes to give away this month. Following the success of our inaugural competition Nite have partnered with a select number of top brands generating a fantastic prize pool that includes holidays, a bike, outdoor adventure clothing and, of course, Nite watches!
For the chance to win click here
1st Prize
Stephen Roche Cycling & Training Camps, 4 night holiday worth £1000
Olympus TG-820 Camera worth £269.99
Nite ICON IC6 worth £299.95
Specialized Bike worth £700
Dare 2b Jacket worth £100
Gandys Flip Flops worth £17.99
Nite Glowrings x 5 worth £49.95
TOTAL £2437.88
2nd Prize
Rush Adventures, 3 night holiday worth £600
Nite MX10 201G worth £199.95
Dare 2b Jacket worth £100
Gandys Flip Flops worth £17.99
Nite Glowring x 5 worth £49.95
TOTAL £967.89
Next 8 x Runners up
Dare 2b Jacket worth £100
Gandys Flip Flops worth £17.99
Nite Glowring x 2 worth £19.98
TOTAL £137.97 x 8 = £1103.84
Nite have also introduced a CPA commission that is paid for all submitted entries directed from Affiliates websites. Click here to take a look at our programme