Zizzi’s Restaurant Lead Generation Campaign- LIVE!

Written by Aimee Webster on . Posted in Food, Lead Generation, Voucher Codes

Hi all,

Affiliate Window are really excited to open up a unique campaign allowing publishers to be rewarded for driving footfall into Zizzi restaurants.

In case you aren’t familiar with Zizzi they are one of Britain’s popular Italian restaurant chains. Now with over 100 locations in the UK, each individual Zizzi location reflects its regional and local areas with original décor and friendly staff.


About The Programme

The Zizzi’s program will drive potential diners to a landing page where they can generate a unique code allowing them to redeem a promotion at a Zizzi’s restaurant of their choice. Once the unique code has been generated, a sale will track as pending within Digital Window.


We will receive confirmation of which unique codes were redeemed and whether they are a new or existing customer and commission will be awarded based on this feedback.


Please note diners cannot receive the Zizzi’s promotion in restaurants without submitting their unique code first.



Zizzi’s will pay commission on the value of the meal used in conjunction with the promotion and submission of the unique code including drinks. Commission will not include any VAT or service charges.

·         Zizzi’s will pay 1% for existing customers

·         Zizzi’s will pay 3% for new customers


Currently Zizzi are not looking to recruit any loyalty or cashback sites, however if this changes we’ll announce to all publishers.


To apply please click HERE


Best wishes,


The Zizzi Affiliate Team