Win a Kindle With the Pharmacy First Affiliate Programme

Written by PharmacyFirst on . Posted in Affiliate Incentive, Awin, Gifts, Gadgets & Toys, Health & Beauty, Network, Offers/Promotions, Promotion, Promotion Type

Win a Kindle With the Pharmacy First Affiliate Programme

Hi Everyone,

Pharmacy First are giving away a Kindle to one lucky affiliate at the end of March.

All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning is the generate 30+ sales between today (8th February) and the 31st March!

Sales have to be valid and legitimate.

If you want any ideas on what you can promote to help make your sales I am here to help!

Please feel free to drop me an email to get some tips on what you could promote and what could help you be in with a chance of winning.

Good Luck!
