Wedding Preparation with Slendertone

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Wedding Preparation with Slendertone

A lot of work goes into making wedding days perfect. But the preparation is often stressful and weight loss and toning plans can get pushed aside and forgotten about. Many brides do want to lose weight, but unfortunately they don’t go about it in the right way. It’s often the case that brides-to-be fall into the trap of leaving wedding weight loss until the last minute, relying on crazy crash diets to shift the pounds. The truth is, any weight loss plan should include a healthy diet and exercise and needs to be given time to work. 

Wedding weight loss isn’t for everyone. Some people don’t need to do it, some people don’t want to do it. And no-one should ever feel pressured into it. But if you’re planning a wedding and want to lose weight and tone up the smart way, then a Slendertone ab toning belt can help you on your way.



Slendertone System Abdominal Muscle Toner 7P with rechargeable controller

Slendertone System Abdominal Muscle Toner 7P with rechargeable controller

Tone and firm your abs with our most advanced core strengthening system.

Was $179.99
Now $149.99
Save $30.00

Slendertone 10P Abdominal Muscle Toner

Slendertone 10P Abdominal Muscle Toner

Tone, flex and strengthen up your abs with our revolutionary 10 Program ab toning system. Includes Bonus set of GelPads.

Our Price $129.99

Slendertone 7P Abdominal Muscle Toner

Slendertone 7P Abdominal Muscle Toner

With 7 Programs and 99 intensity levels, the Slendertone Flex Pro 7P is a sophisticated ab belt that strengthens and firms your core muscles.

Our Price $119.99