Valentine's Puppies At Guide Dogs

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Valentine's Puppies At Guide Dogs

Will you be my Valentine?

Our three adorable new puppies, Hudson, Isaac and Ivy are looking for love as they embark on their training to become life-changing guide dogs! As a special Valentine’s Day treat we’re going to let you into some of the secrets of these gorgeous, eligible pups!


Meet Hudson

Boy or Girl: Boy

Age: Six weeks old

Height & weight: Perfect puppy size!

Status: Available for sponsorship

My friends describe me as: Just adorable, desperately handsome & lovingly playful

How I spend my free time: I love to socialise and play with the other puppies. I’m a very outgoing little pup and always looking for adventure!

My best feature is: My gorgeous, shaggy fur


Meet Isaac

Boy or Girl: Boy

Age: Six weeks old

Height & weight: Perfect size for cuddles!

Status: Available for sponsorship

My friends describe me as: Thoughtful, brilliantly funny & oh-so cute

I am most passionate about: Playing with my lovely sister Ivy and making the most of free time in the garden

Where do you see yourself in five years’ time: Helping someone with sight loss live the life they deserve and helping them get out and about.


Meet Ivy

Boy or Girl: Girl

Age: Six weeks old

Height & weight: Not too big for treats!

Status: Available for sponsorship

My friends describe me as: Confident and outgoing, wonderfully bubbly and sweet as pie

My most treasured possession is: My brother, Isaac

I am looking for: A guide dog owner who is as cheeky and fun-loving as me, and who will give me lots of cuddles and attention

We hope you enjoyed our special Valentine’s Day post and managed to find the puppy for you! Check out the video below for another sneak peek at the gorgeous Hudson, Ivy and Isaac. Happy Valentine’s Day!


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