Unlimited Fuel Broadband Offer Ends Soon!
We can't believe we're halfway through May already, the last few weeks have flown by! We just wanted to drop you a quick reminder about our fantastic FREE Unlimited Fuel Broadband for 3 months offer and thank you for all your promotion over the last few months.
- Includes Chromecast
- FREE broadband for 3 months, £4 thereafter
- 12 month contract
- £15 p/m line rental
- Up to 16MB download speed
- FREE wireless router
- FREE activation (worth £20)
- 8.4p/minute daytime calls, or free when you upgrade to anytime calls for an extra £3/month
Deep link: http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=3552&awinaffid=!!!id!!!&clickref=&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fuelbroadband.co.uk%2Funlimited-broadband
PLUS, we're also running an amazing competition for our Fuel Bradband customers to win a private screening of Mad Max + £100! Click here to find out more about the competition.
Please get in touch with any questions or if you have any extra promotional opportunities this month.
Chris and the Fuel Broadband Team
Tags: competition, free broadband, offer, promotion, unlimited broadband