Trusted Score
What is the Trusted Score?
Think of it like a credit score for car parks. It’s a series of algorithms which weight, index and crunch numbers to provide car parks with a single score out of 99.
The Trusted Score is based on (but not limited to) customer and external review scores which are weighted against the reviewers authority, which in turn is based on their quality and volume of reviews across the internet. This is mashed up with a series of factual statistics like distance, price, bounce rate, complaint volume and resolution, security, awards/accolades for example the Park Mark and BPA membership, and accessibility.
This all happens in real time and keeps a close eye on everyone. If a company’s score drops below the bar, they automatically disappear from the website, protecting you.
This provides you with the most honest and transparent view possible of a chosen car park and can be considered a direct association to the car parks trustworthiness.