Three Handset offers

Written by conrad.burne on . Posted in Offers/Promotions, Telecoms

Dear Affiliates,

Hope you are fine…!!!

We have got more exciting news about Three Mobile. Three is launching a new great promo for Handsets on Friday 5th of July 2019. The offer will be valid from 5/07/2019 – 31/07/2019 and is going to be pushing the following products:

  • Huawei P30 Pro (w/ GT watch worth £179)
  • Huawei P30 (w/ GT watch worth £179)
  • Huawei Mate 20

Please, also find below the pricing for each device:

Device Data UFC MRC
Huawei P30 Pro 128GB 100GB £29.00 £38.00
Huawei P30 128GB 100GB £29.00 £29.00
Huawei Mate 20 Pro 100GB £29.00 £29.00

The pricing will be market leading and will come with 100GB of data, so we’re confident of this performing quite well. Tracking links for the offers are available below:

  • ContractD02072019T121214:!!!id!!!&

  • ContractD02072019T121215:!!!id!!!&

  • ContractD02072019T121216:!!!id!!!&

  • ContractD02072019T121217:!!!id!!!&

  • ContractD02072019T121218:!!!id!!!&

  • ContractD02052019T123747:!!!id!!!&

  • ContractD02052019T123748:!!!id!!!&

  • ContractD02052019T123749:!!!id!!!&

Please, don’t forget to replace the “!!!id!!!” part with your site ID. Please, post these offers on your site and let’s rock it.

Kind regards

Three affiliate team