That's Entertainment Affiliate Programme Re-launch

Written by ryanjc on . Posted in Programme Launches

Dear Affiliates

We are delighted to announce the re-launch of 'That's Entertainment’ at Affiliate Window.


ThatsEntertainment is packed with a huge range of CDs, DVDs, games and Blu-rays, from classic titles to brand new releases. We carry over half a million titles, and our range includes both pre-owned and new stock. Every item we sell is guaranteed to be in perfect playing condition.

With DVDs and CDs from just £1.99 with free delivery, you’d be hard-pushed to find a better deal. Our stock range includes hard-to-find films, albums and games, as well as the very latest releases. Some of our 500,000 titles are pre-owned, some are brand new, and every item comes with a full money back guarantee.

Commission Structure

7% across all sales

That's Entertainment also offer a great range of creative designed to grab the users attention which is ready to be uploaded to your account as soon as you have joined   Banners and text links are available within the “linking methods” section in affiliate window.  If there are any sizes not there that you require please

If you have any questions about the That's Entertainment affiliate programme, please get in touch.

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