Posts Tagged ‘popular books’

Books of the month from Waterstones

Written by matthew.cochrane on . Posted in Awin, Gifts, Gadgets & Toys, Offers/Promotions, Promotion

Hello Affiliates,

From Restoration to Revolution, your Waterstones Books of the Month for February!

Fiction Book of the Month

The Gustav Sonata by Rose Tremain (Paperback) £8.99 £6.99!!!id!!!&clickref=&


Non-Fiction Book of the Month

The Romanovs: 1613-1918 by Simon Sebag Montefiore (Paperback) £10.99 £8.49!!!id!!!&clickref=&


Children's Boof of the Month

Who Let the Gods Out? - Who Let the Gods out? 1 by Maz Evans (Paperback) £6.99 £5.49!!!id!!!&clickref=&


Thriller of the Month

The Ashes of London by Andrew Taylor (Paperback) £8.99 £6.99!!!id!!!&clickref=&


Waterstones are offering a massive 50% off 100's of bestselling books, you’ll find dozens of must-have titles.

2017 sale, Half price off hundreds of bestselling books!!!id!!!&clickref=&


If you have any questions, queries or if you are interested in discussing any promotion opportunities, please don’t hesitate to contact either Chris or Matthew!

Happy Promoting!

Matthew & The Waterstones Team /