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.UK Domains Now Available for Up To 10 Years! PLUS Up To 30% OFF!!

Written by Dada on . Posted in Offers/Promotions

.UK Domains are now available for up to 10 years!!
Plus exclusively to affiliates, get 25% off any .uk for 3 years, or even better 10 years for 30% less!!
Not only do you save up to 30%, you also avoid the pain of renewal & lock down your domain for longer.

The .UK is still Britain's favourite domain, with an annual growth rate of 7.8%.
In 2011, 81% of those surveyed said they prefer .uk sites when given the choice of .uk to .com in search results. The core reason being the attraction of a UK based company, with local currency and cheaper delivery costs.

On top of this exclusive 30% discount, you can save 40% if you register for 10 years rather than for just 2. The longer your register for the more you will save.

To save 25% on 3 year .uk registrations, use this code HIJKLPVX and visit
Or if you want to save 40% over 10 years PLUS 30% exclusively for you, use this code DFKLMVXZ and visit today!