Mother's Day Affiliate Incentive!!
Dear Affiliates,
Concern Universal will be paying out 15% commission on their Gifts for Good from now until the 10th March.
Be good this Mother’s Day and buy your Mum a Gift for Good!!
Concern Universal are also championing the Global ‘ENOUGH FOOD FOR EVERYONE IF’ Campaign and we hope that you can get your consumers behind it too!
What is IF?
The Enough Food for Everyone campaign is a combined effort from over 100 UK-based charities, to lobby global leaders into taking the lead on ending world hunger. Between now and the G8 summit in June, we’re teaming up to put pressure on David Cameron to use his presidency to implement some crucial changes to the way we approach this world-wide crisis.
Working as one, we can rally millions of people to petition their MPs, reminding them that the scourge of starvation is still very much on the public’s agenda. Let’s make 2013 the beginning of the end for this fatally flawed food system.
The Four IFs
There will be enough food for everyone if our global leaders can achieve these goals.
IF we give enough aid to stop children starving and help the poorest, most vulnerable families feed themselves.
IF we stop small farmers getting pushed off their land by large private investors.
IF we stop big companies dodging tax in developing countries.
IF governments and large companies commit to a much greater level of transparency regarding their acquisitions and transactions.
What do we need?
This whole project is dependent on members of the public getting involved and showing that they won’t stand idly by as almost one billion people world-wide go to bed hungry each night. So please take a minute to get involved. In this case inaction is the most dangerous kind of action.
What can you do?
Take 1 Minute: Spread the word and share this page among your friends.
Take 2 Minutes: Join the campaign: sign the IF Campaign petition here.
Take 5 Minutes: To send a letter to your MP, lobbying for IF issues to be on the G8 and Budget agendas.
Take 1 hour: To visit your MP in person.
Budget Day, 20 March, couldn't be more important. In just a few weeks, the government can deliver a 40-year-old promise to spend 0.7% of national income on aid, stop big companies dodging tax in poor countries, and take a powerful lead for other G8 leaders meeting in June to follow.
Don’t forget it’s not too late to use one of the Concern Universal Mother’s Day & Yat Rock Banners.
Many Thanks