Hello Affiliates,
We're approaching the end of February now, but have Leap Year Day to get some extra sales in.
Seeming as it only comes around once every four years, we're offering a hopping mad discount of an incredible 29% off Compatible Cartridges for affiliates to promote.
The voucher code: CPLEAP will be available for ONE day only!
Ends at midnight Monday, 29th February.
Other Voucher Codes to Promote...
- GU10FREE - Free GU10 LED Bulb with compatible ink orders over £30
- B22FREE - Free B22 LED Bulb with compatible ink orders over £30
- MR16FREE - Free MR16 LED Bulb with compatible ink orders over £30
- E27FREE - Free E27 LED Bulb with compatible ink orders over £30
- AFFTONER - 5% off original toner.
We have also set up an affiliate landing page to be used in your promotional activity below for the FREE LED Bulb codes below...
http://www.awin1.com/cread.php? awinmid=3659&awinaffid=!!!id!!!&clickref=&p=http%3A%2F%2F www.cartridgepeople.com%2Finfo%2Faffiliate-offers %3Futm_campaign%3Ddeeplink
Please be aware that this deeplink above will need publishers to replace '!!!id!!!' with their publisher ID themselves.
The Cartridge People brand is a Trademark brand in Europe and the UK operated under licence by Cartridge People (Group) Limited. Company Registration Number 98209. Registered Office: Ingouville House, Ingouville Place, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4DE.