Posts Tagged ‘donations’

For every pack of eco-packaging £1 is donated to charity

Written by RAJA on . Posted in Charity, News

No. 1 in Europe for Packaging

The Women & Environment Action Programme

Since 2005, with your help, we have raised more than €8m

For every pack of selected eco-friendly packaging products purchased we donate £1 to our charity. From September 2018 to February 2019 our new campaign begins with a selection of different eco-friendly packaging products and 6 new charities. 

When customers order from Rajapack through your site, they will automatically raise money for the Raja Foundation!

What is the Women & Environment Action Programme?

We are supporting environmental protection and gender equality through the Women and Environment Action Programme. The Raja Danièle Marcovici Foundation was established in 2006 and supports community projects which improve the living conditions of women around the world. The “Women and the Environment” Action Programme allows you to participate in projects supported by the Foundation by choosing from a selection of eco-friendly packaging products.

Why support?

Funds collected for this campaign will be donated to the charities concerned in March 2019, and all our customers have to do is choose eco-friendly packaging alternatives.

What is the Raja Danièle Marcovici Foundation?

Danièle Marcovici is the President and CEO of the Raja Group. Created in 2006 under the aegis of the Fondation de France, the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation supports community projects which improves the living conditions of women around the world.

Find out more:

What products are taking part in the programme?

1) In partnership with our suppliers the Raja Group has selected a range of eco-friendly products to take part in this Action Programme
2) Until 28th February 2019 every time you buy a pack of our selected eco-friendly products, £1 is automatically donated to the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation
3) From self-adhesive paper tapes, tissue paper to paper bags and cardboard boxes choose from over 20 eco-friendly products taking part in the Action Programme

Find out more:!!!id!!!&èle Marcovici Foundation _ Rajapack UK

Thank you for your support, funds collected from the March to August 2018 campaign will be donated to the charities in September 2018 and news of this will be published soon.

Please insert your publisher ID!


Marianne | Tel: 01525 289 731 | email:


Earn £2 commisison for Wye Valley challenge sign up at Concern Universal

Written by stevie_ve on . Posted in Affiliate Incentive, Awin, Charity, Offers/Promotions, Promotion

Concern Universal
Concern Universal Concern Universal Concern Universal Concern Universal Concern Universal Concern Universal Concern Universal Concern Universal Concern Universal
Concern Universal
Concern Universal Concern Universal Concern Universal Concern Universal Concern Universal Concern Universal Concern Universal Concern Universal
Dear Affiliates,
Concern Universal are now giving £2 commission for every sale of the Wye Valley Challenge. The Challenge costs just £15 to take part and can help stamp out poverty in the process! 


Will it be the tough 10 mile walk, or will you take on the ultimate challenge - a 20 mile trek to stamp out poverty? Neither are a walk in the park! Please be aware that these are challenging walks with hills, steps, stiles and gates. Taking place on the 22nd June 2013


wye valley challenge


Watch this space, Concern Universal are in talks about increasing the commission for their Donations.


As well as the donations and the Wye Valley Challenge have a number of other fantastic inspirational presents for your loved ones. These unique presents save the lives of family's around the world!


By choosing a Gift for Good you can be certain that you have chosen a present that is truly heartwarming and rare. These present can help relieve the worry of Global Warming and allow you to feel good about yourself knowing that you have given a gift that can truly make a huge difference.


All of our gifts offer a sustainable way to help lift people out of poverty. Through our community-led approach, we work with people to provide the things they really need.


Please visit to view of all our weird and wonderful gifts.


Concern Universal also treasure Donations, last year our supporters helped over 1.5 million people living in poverty to improve their quality of life.

Many Thanks
Concern Universal



Concern Universal
Affiliate Benefits .... Join here

  • 10% CPA
  • Regular Commission increases
  • 60 day auto approval

Concern Universal Increases Commission

Written by stevie_ve on . Posted in Affiliate Incentive, Charity, Charity, Promotion, Valentine's Day

Concern Universal

Great News Guys!!

It’s that time of year when everything is about love and giving!

So from the 1st February, Concern Universal will be offering a fantastic 15% commission!!!* on their Gifts for Good until the 14th February.

Take a look at Concern Universal's Gifts for Good - and make a difference today.

Here are a few of the most popular Gifts for Good:

Fuel Efficient Stoves - £5

Give the gift of fuel efficient stoves and revolutionise the lives of a family in poverty. Fuel efficient stoves also help reduce the amount of toxic smoke that is emitted when cooking, and which can prove fatal.

Literacy Kit - £75
This gift provides blackboard, chalk, notebooks, pens and handbooks for a group of adult learners to learn to read and write. Once they have learned the basics, they can get better prices at market, read important information and communicate with the world.


Helpful Hen - £5
The gift of a chicken provides a cheap and sustainable source of income and nutrition for poor families. Eggs are a good source of protein, which help improve the families diet. By selling any extra eggs at the local market, families can afford their basic needs like clothing and healthcare.

People can buy their loved ones a Gift for Good this Valentines Day and can really make a difference in to alot of peoples lives.

Concern Universal's Gifts offer a sustainable way to help lift people out of poverty. Through their community-led approach, Concern Universal work with people to provide the things they really need.
Concern Universal have worked with their country programmes around the world to find out what really makes a lasting difference to people’s lives.

When you give a ‘Gift for Good’, you really are giving a gift, for good.
Concern Universal have also released a new video which shows you exactly how they help people in poverty using the money that is raised


We hope that this encourages you to promote Concern Universal and make a difference to the world.

With Love
Concern Universal
x x



*The commission increase will not be shown initially but it will be added to your validated sales

Guide Dogs Charity: new product to promote - £20 commission

Written by Guide_Dogs on . Posted in Affiliate Window, Awin, Casinos & Gambling, Casinos & Gambling, Charity, Charity, Christmas Promotion, Entertainment, Promotion

Dear Affiliates,

New Product
We've got a new exciting product for you to promote and earn commissions on - our LUCKY LOTTERY -

Your commission is £20 for each signup validated 70 days after a successful transaction provided it had not been canceled.

How does the Lucky Lottery work?

  • The Lucky Lottery is our weekly lottery with £1,000 to be won in each Friday draw and there is also a superdraw every quarter with £3,000 prize.
  • You choose one, two, or more entries per week at £1 a go and you receive a unique lottery number for each entry you make.
  • Every Friday a random number generator will select 100 numbers, the first number drawn will win £1,000, the second is £200, the third £150, the fourth £100, the fifth £50, and 95 runners-up prizes of £10 each.
  • Every quarter the first prize will increase to £3,000.
  • Next Superdraw will take place on 28th December, but the cut-off date for signups is 5th December.
  • Each entry in the Lucky Lottery costs £1. You can choose one, two entries or more entries per week.
  • Every penny of profit we make is invested back into breeding, training and caring for guide dogs, which help to provide services for thousands of blind and partially sighted people throughout the UK.

    This is the checkout URL you need to be driving traffic to.

    Feel free to use the lottery's logo -
    Our merchant ID is 2913

    Please shout if you have any questions.

    Thanks very much
    Karolina McIlroy
    Guide Dogs UK Charity