Posts Tagged ‘De-Dupe’

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Commission De-Duplication

Written by GarethJohnsonTPW on . Posted in Awin, Network

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Afternoon Affiliates,

Hope you're well!

Starting 10th August the TPW™ affiliate programme will begin to de-duplicate when approving affiliate commissions.


What does this mean?

Currently we approve all affiliate commissions regardless of when someone clicked an affiliate link, meaning we're unable to accurately measure affiliate sales and give even bigger rewards to you when you put so much hard work in. This means we will accept commissions where affiliates or one of the following marketing channels were the last click for the sale:-



-SEO/Organic Search

We understand a lot of our search and display activity can overlap with your affiliate activity so want to keep rewarding you for these sales, even when they have been the last click. To clarify, we will only decline a commission when one of the following channels are the last click:-




-Vertical Search (Price Comparison sites not part of our affiliate programme)


Do you reward assisted sales?

Yes we do! We recognise the hard work you guys put in with your content, articles, product reviews and spreading the love for TPW™, and that's why we pay £1 each time someone who reads your site, clicks a link but then buys through another affiliate or marketing channel.

To sign up simply email me ( and we can look to get you all setup!


What do I need to do next?

Absolutely nothing! Continue doing what you do best, sharing the TPW™ love and driving record sales! However, if you have any queries don't hesitate to contact me!



TPW™ Affiliate Team