The Cartridge PeopleCyber Monday deals page is now live ready for affiliates to promote. You are welcome to promote any of the deals on that page to your customers but please note that voucher codes will not be valid on the deals listed on that page.
Items include flash drives, LED lights, stationery, gadgets and mobile power-banks.
Please see below for your deep link tracking details for each of our festive lighting promotions and don't forget to ensure you replace '!!!id!!!' with your publisher ID for accurate tracking of sales.
We also have a site wide voucher code live, which affiliates are welcome to promote on a 2% commission basis. (This is due to this not being an affiliate issued code and us not having the margin to pay full commission on such a high discount code).
The Cartridge People brand is a Trademark brand in Europe and the UK operated under licence by Cartridge People (Group) Limited. Company Registration Number 98209. Registered Office: Ingouville House, Ingouville Place, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4DE.
Our Cartridge PeopleBlack Friday Deals page is now ready for you to promote. You are welcome to promote any of the deals on that page to your customers but please note that voucher codes will not be valid on these special offer prices.
Items include flash drives, LED lights, stationery, gadgets and mobile power-banks. Please see below for your deep link tracking details for each of our festive lighting promotions and don't forget to ensure you replace '!!!id!!!' with your publisher ID for accurate tracking of sales.
The Cartridge People brand is a Trademark brand in Europe and the UK operated under licence by Cartridge People (Group) Limited. Company Registration Number 98209. Registered Office: Ingouville House, Ingouville Place, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4DE.