James Villa Holidays launch Payment on Influence!
How to enterThis November you could win one of two £100 cash bonuses from Bonmarché just by entering our incentive along with earning 25p for every assist you drive. All you need to do is email rob@clearnewmedia.com or sumeera.doonga@affiliatewindow.com registering your interest and detailing your plans for promoting Bonmarché in November.
Once you’ve done that we’ll set you up on the assist commission and all you have to do to be entered into the draw for a £100 cash bonus is drive three assists or one direct sale in November. Simple as that and with great offers and great fashion at Bonmarché there is always something to promote to your user base.
Assist Tracking InformationAn assist is tracked in the Affiliate Window system and shows that you played a part in a sale but were not the last click to convert the sale, if you’re unsure how this works or how to check this please get in touch with Rob or Sumeera at Affiliate Window and they will be happy to help.
rob@clearnewmedia.com Thanks
We have two very exciting updates for you today from Bonmarché! The first is that we have a brand new logo that will be replacing the old Bonmarché logo as of tomorrow, the 22nd April. We are very pleased how this turned out and if you are currently using our old logo as a part of your promotions this will need updating. This is easily available for you in the Banners section of your user profile.
The second exciting announcement is that we are now offering Assist commission to selected affiliates. We appreciate all of the work of our affiliates do and realise that you may sometimes not get the commission for that help, especially bloggers and content sites.
To help reward everyone for their hard work, starting April 21st and running until May 31st Bonmarché will pay you 25p for every sale you assist in Affiliate Window.
You receive an assist every time someone clicks on your affiliate link, but goes on to click another publisher's link before buying an item. The publisher with the last click in the customer journey receives the commission, but because your link contributed to the purchase you will now be rewarded 25p for assisting in the sale.
To get this set up on your account and to let us know what promotion you may be able to offer to be included, please contact myself and Sumeera at Affiliate Window for and we can set this up for you.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Chris and the Bonmarché Team