Stranger Things competition at GB Posters!

Written by GBPostersAffiliate on . Posted in Programme Launches, Uncategorized

Stranger Things competition at GB Posters!

To celebrate the return of Stranger Things tomorrow we're giving fans the chance to win all 3 of our official posters in our Stranger Things competition! And it's super simple to enter too. All fans need to do is post a photo of their best Halloween costume to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #StrangerThingsGB. On a scale of 1 to 10 we're looking for Eleven for effort!

Here's the 3 awesome posters that are up for grabs:

Stranger Things competitionStranger Things competitionStranger Things competition

The competition is open worldwide until the 3rd of November. And fans can enter as many photos as they want too! 5 sets of posters are up for grabs. So share far and wide!

More details are available on our blog:

And you can find our social accounts here:

Good luck to all who enter!

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