Start Your Beach Body Now With Slendertone

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Start Your Beach Body Now With Slendertone

Start your Beach Body journey and see great results in only 4 weeks - with Slendertone the world leader in body toning solutions. Used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regime you can achieve amazing results. Look your best on the beach in summer 2014 with Slendertone.



Slendertone Platinum: Male Abs Toner + 6 Pads Combo

Slendertone Platinum: Male Abs Toner + 6 Pads Combo

Tone and firm your abs with our most advanced core strengthening system.

Was $275.99
Now $189.99

Slendertone Power Tone Abs + Arms Combo

Slendertone Power Tone Abs + Arms Combo

Maximize results! Strengthen & tone your abs and upper arms with this exclusive deal.

Was $269.00
Now $169.99

Slendertone 10 Program Abdominal Muscle Toner

Slendertone 10 Program Abdominal Muscle Toner

Tone, flex and strengthen up your abs with our revolutionary 10 Program ab toning system. Includes Bonus set of GelPads.

Was $129.99
Now $99.99

Slendertone Total Body Abs + Arms Combo

Slendertone Total Body Abs + Arms Combo

Maximize results! Strengthen & tone your abs and upper arms with this exclusive deal.

Was $269.99
Now $169.99

Slendertone 7 Program Abdominal Muscle Toner

Slendertone 7 Program Abdominal Muscle Toner

With 7 Programs and 99 intensity levels, the Slendertone Flex Pro 7P is a sophisticated ab belt that strengthens and firms your core muscles.

Was $119.99
Now $69.99