Something for you to promote on Puzzle Day - Saturday 29th January!
Hello Affiliates,
We have a a board game on our website called TENSATION that we would like your help to clear stock.
You are welcome to promote this at the usual 10% commission earning, along with the voucher code: AFFPUZZLE. Voucher code is valid until midnight on Tuesday, 28th February 2017/.
Please see below for your deep link tracking details. Don't forget to ensure you replace '!!!id!!!' with your publisher ID for accurate tracking of sales.
Tensation Board Game
Website Price £9.99
Use Code: AFFPUZZLE - Only £7.99
Your DEEP LINK for this offer:!!!id!!!&clickref=&
Voucher Codes Extended until 28/02/17
Happy Promoting!
Louise & Nicky
The Cartridge People Affiliate Team
Tags: board game, board games, Cartridge People, Game, Games, puzzle, puzzle day, puzzles, toys and games, voucher code