Simply Home Entertainment Weekly Deals - Entertainment Made Simple

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Affiliate Newsletter - Deals of the Week

Hello and welcome to this weeks newsletter.

We have a wealth of new special offers and promotions for you today over on Simplyhe. Mrs Brown returns with her new Live Tour DVD, as well as a brand new selection of Bargain Box Sets.

Come Celebrate 90 years of Charlton Heston on film and we bring you a great deal on 3 Laurel and Hardy DVDs for just £15.

With only weeks to go until the big celebrations for Doctor Who 50 Years, re-live your favourite moments with the last 11 Doctors on DVD.

Be sure to check out what other great offers we have over on

Bargain Boxsets Deeplink:!!!id!!!&clickref=&

Charlton Heston - 90th Anniversary - Deeplink:!!!id!!!&clickref=&

Laurel & Hardy - Buy any 3 for £15 Deeplink:!!!id!!!&clickref=&

Double Bills - Any 2 for £15 - Deeplink:!!!id!!!&clickref=&

Doctor Who - 50 Years - DEEP LINK:!!!id!!!&clickref=&

remember to replace "!!!id!!!" with your affiliate ID

Any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Kind Regards,

Simply Home Entertainment Affiliate Team.