Save up to 25% on BETA Adult Dog Food

Written by Monster Pet Supplies on . Posted in Awin, Home & Garden, Network, Offers/Promotions, Voucher Codes

Happy Monday affiliates,

This week we are offering up to 25% on BETA Dog Food.

BETA chicken dog food is a complete & delicious recipe for dogs as it is uniquely designed to increase the rate of nutrient absorption in your pet’s body. Contains all the good things your dog needs to stay in top condition, such as chicory, a natural prebiotic which aids the balance of friendly bacteria in your dog’s stomach to keep them healthy and happy - as well as chicken, a fantastic source of muscle promoting protein!!!!id!!!&clickref=&

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Any questions?  Get in touch, I’ll be more than happy to help.

Telephone: 0113 279 7474

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