Further reductions in the Superdry sale!

Written by Vicky.Payne on . Posted in Awin, Fashion, General Promotions, Offers/Promotions, Promotion, UK

Hello affiliates,

Hope you all enjoyed your break!

Further reductions have now been added into the sale with more products at 50% off!

Banners are on Awin for you to use.

Further reductions: Up to 50% off at Superdry


Deeplink: http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4412&awinaffid=!!!id!!!&clickref=&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.superdry.com

Ends: TBC

If you have any questions, please get in touch at Cameron.Rooney@Supergroup.co.uk

Happy promoting!