Primus Broadband Offers Due to End Soon!

Written by Chris on . Posted in Business Services (B2B), Computers & Software, General Promotions, Offers/Promotions, Office, Promotion, Promotion Type, Telecoms


Primus' Residential Phone and Broadband Offers are set to end in just a couple of weeks. On the 30th of April the special offers, which include the £1.20 a month Phone & Broadband and the Half Price Unlimited Broadband for 6 months (£2 a month) will expire.

There's likely to be some price changes to these offers after this month, so make sure you give these incredible value products a big push over the next two weeks.

To view our list of Residential Broadband Offers go to this post.

In addition, we're still running our increased CPA incentive for April with the relaunch of our fantastic Business Broadband products.

Just send us a screenshot and a few details of how you are promoting our new business deals, such as the Business Saver just £9.99 a month and the Business Fibre Broadband with 500 UK Minutes from just £19.99 a month, and we’ll give you increased CPA of £115 across all business  products throughout the whole of April!

The standard CPA level for business broadband is £100, so this is a great chance to earn some extra revenue.

To view the full list of business products, go to this post.

If you require any creative for the business or residential broadband, or have any questions or promotional opportunities, please get in touch.


Chris & the Primus Team

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