Prices TERMINATED – Cyborgs get 20% off almost everything

Written by Discount Supplements on . Posted in Affiliate Window, Awin, Health & Beauty, Health & Beauty, Promotion, Sports, Sports, UK, Voucher Codes

Discount Supplements

Dear Affiliates,

The new Terminator film is out this weekend and in an homage to this fantastic genre we have our own blockbuster weekend offer...

Prices TERMINATED – Cyborgs get 20% off almost everything

  • If you are a Cyborg enter discount code ARNIE20 at checkout for 20% OFF (min spend £50)
  • If you are Human enter discount code ARNIE15 at checkout for 15% OFF (min spend £35)

If you are unsure about your status you are probably Human but both codes will work.
No background checks will be made to verify Cyborg status.

  • Live date: 04/07/15 to 06/07/15 (inc)
  • Description: This code will give visitors the discount off all marked items
  • Terms: This code cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion/offer. Codes are exclusive to dates shown.

Raspberry Ripple Is Making Waves

We have an exclusive! FSci MX Ultra Whey Protein has today launched a new raspberry ripple flavour and for the next two weeks it’s ONLY AVAILABLE at Discount Supplements.

Check out the new flavour here:

Many thanks,

David Lyall
eCommerce Director, Discount Supplements (AW Merchant 2394)

David Lyall


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