Optimus PM Now Managing Balsamik Affiliate Programme

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Balsamik Balsamik Affiliate Newsletter Optimus Performance Marketing

Optimus PM Now Managing Balsamik Affiliate Programme

Optimus Performance Marketing are pleased to announce that from today we will be managing the Balsamik Affiliate Programme. For more information and sign-up links please see below;​

About Us:-
Balsamik aim to give women what they really want. Our collection features a wide range of chic and contemporary products. Our clothes are easy to wear so you can be confident you’ll look and feel good no matter what the occasion – plus with our clever design details you’ll never have to compromise again between style and fit. At Balsamik we know you want stylish and easy to wear clothing that you can mix and match as you please. All clothing ranges are available up to size 20, with lots of styles available up to size 32. In addition to this wide range of sizes, the Balsamik design team ensures that each product has a style feature to flatter your figure, and no matter what the size, you pay the same price.

7% Commission On All Sales Until 11/09/2015 Then 5% Commission On All Sales

30 Days

Example Banners:-





PPC Policy:-
Please be advised that ‘Brand Name Bidding’ restrictions apply to the Balsamik affiliate programme. Affiliates are kindly requested not to bid on brand name terms or derivations or misspellings including but not isolated to: Balsamik Balsamik.co.uk Balsamik.com No affiliates are allowed to have adverts appear for searches on these or similar terms. To avoid broad match issues please include restricted terms as negative keywords in all your PPC campaigns for Balsamik. Bidding on generic product related terms is allowed. Domain restrictions Affiliates may not use any domain owned by Balsamik for PPC linking without express written permission. This includes but is not limited to www.balsamik.com. Affiliates are asked not to register domains which are similar or misspellings of our brand. Any activity of this kind on the campaign will result in commissions being declined. Affiliates may not put the Balsamik website into frames or use masked URLs.

Voucher Code Policy:-
Please note that affiliates may only use voucher codes that are available through the Balsamik affiliate programme, or those that have been issued directly by Optimus Performance Marketing or Affiliate Window. Where an affiliate is found promoting a code that has not been issued by Optimus Performance Marketing or Affiliate Window, we reserve the right to decline commissions. Continued use of unauthorised codes will result in programme suspension.


Join Balsamik Affiliate Programme With Affiliate Window