National Knitting Week - Save Up To 40% at Create and Craft!

Written by Gary on . Posted in Awin, Home & Garden

Merchant ID: 4453

Merchant Name: Create and Craft

Offer: National Knitting Week - Save Up To 40% at Create and Craft!

Start Date: 15/10/2013

End Date: 20/10/2013

Commission Rates: 8% for a new customer – 4% for existing


Offer Details:

National Knitting Week is running from the 14th October until the 20th, so to celebrate we have a huge sales on our range of knitting products where you can save up to 40%!

We have all sorts of products available to buy in our range starting from just £1.99 all the way up to £50 knitting kits.

There are limited stocks left on certain lines so make sure you promote this offer as soon as you can for your customers to make the most of it.

For any new customers that comes through to order, you will be rewarded with 8% commission, with existing customers earning you 4%.

The link above will take customers straight through to the category page where they can browse the products that are on offer.

For any queries regarding this offer, please email me at


Gary Cutler

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