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Written by zachsulley on . Posted in Affiliate Window, Awin, Offers/Promotions, Promotion, Telecoms, Telecoms

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We hope that you find it informative and that it helps you decide which handsets and deals to promote each week

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HTC Windows Phone 8S - Vodafone

600 Minutes, Unlimited Texts and 1GB Data

Just £17.06 per month

after redemption

HTC One – O2

600 Minutes, unlimited Texts and 750MB Data

£22 per month - £99.99

upfront cost

Samsung Galaxy S3 – Vodafone

300 Minutes, Unlimited Texts and 250MB Data

£24.16 per month

after redemption

Terms and Conditions

Cookies operate on a last referrer commission payment sytstem. This means that if you are the alst recorded click on a completed order, you will receive a commission for that sale. Dependent on the item your customer originally attempted to buy.

If a customer fails a credit check and we sell them a SIM Only contract, our sales agents will be accredited with that sale.

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Please note that the following terms are restricted: | mobilescouk | Best Mobile Phone Deals | Cheap Contract Phones & Free Gifts | phones | latest handsets | mobiles | mobile phones or any derivation or misspelling but not isolated to the above.
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