Maxishop: 33% off PLUS an Affiliate code

Written by deanashour on . Posted in Awin, Offers/Promotions, Promotion

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Hi affiliates,

We still have a number of offers running across Maxishop until the end of the month. With one week to go in January, we want to make sure customers are sticking to their New Year's resolutions with high quality Sports Nutrition to help them on their way.
33% sale on all Maximuscle products.

Maxishop customers can now receive 33% off the entire Maximuscle range.

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Customers can also receive 33% off the entire Maxitone and Maxifuel ranges.

33% sale on all Maxitone products.33% sale on all Maxifuel products.

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But that's not all - we've also extended our 10MORE code so customers can still receive an extra 10% off, on top of the 33% sale on all three brands.
By entering discount code 10MORE at checkout, consumers can now get a further 10% off on top of the 33% off pricing on site, providing even bigger savings in a month that's dominated by New Year's Resolutions about fitness and hitting the gym! Code excludes Maxiraw and clothing and accessories.
But hurry - the 10MORE code and the Sale finish on Friday 31st so don't delay in getting the word out.
Don't forget we still have our January incentives running, which can boost your commision rates for January. For full details please contact Olivia Wise.
If you have any promotional opportunities for this or any of our other offers currently on Maxishop then please do get in touch.
Kind Regards,

Olivia & Matt

Maxinutrition is a trading name of GlaxoSmithKline UK Ltd. registered in England & Wales. Company No. 04310159