Laithwaite's Wine - Latest Offers!

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Hi Affiliates,


Check out Laithwaite’s latest offers below:


Mixed Cases

5-Star Rioja Collection £89.99
What's even smoother and riper than your favourite Rioja? The same Rioja from a five-star vintage!

Rioja's governing body gives every vintage an official classification and 2010 was classed officially as "excellent" - only the 10th five-star vintage since 1955! In your glass, that translates to richer fruit flavours, a smoother texture and an even greater degree of complexity. Taste your favourites on five-star vintage form, including Barón de Barbón, Pagos de Tahola and a gem from the Martínez Bujanda family - with today's £13 saving you'll pay £7.50 a bottle!




Red Wine

Selvascura' Principe Strozzi Toscana 2010 £95.88 (12 bottles), £47.94 (6 bottles)
A splendid red reflecting a thousand-year-old family heritage and Tuscany's most noble terroir

Selvascura, like many elite Tuscan reds, is a blend of Sangiovese, Cabernet and Merlot. The grapes come from prime vineyards in coastal Maremma, where the Strozzi family have owned estates since the 10th century. A little something to drop into the dinner conversation: the Strozzis were once powerful bankers, statesmen and rivals to the Medicis. Niccolò Machiavelli began his illustrious career in their employ and among their famous ancestors is one Lisa Gherardini del Giocondo, the 'Mona Lisa'. This dark ruby wine evokes ripe cherry and chocolate with satin-smooth tannins, and warrants extra effort in the kitchen. Maremma has been famous for beef since Etruscan times so bistecca alla Fiorentina or ossibuchi alla Toscana would be ideal.




White Wine

Visionario 2011 £95.88 (12 bottles), £47.94 (6 bottles)
Refreshing, luxurious favourite from the Veneto hills, home to Italy's finest whites

The cool Alpine climate of the Veneto in northern Italy is perfect for creating crisp, aromatic whites. Many are made from Pinot Grigio, but this 'visionary' white is an inspired blend from Alessandro Gallici. Born and raised in Friuli, he knows the vineyards like the backs of his hands. For many years he was head winemaker at a top cellar in the heart of the region, but last year he decided to branch out on his own - and we were only too delighted to follow him. By combining the local Friulano grape with a number of international varieties, including Sauvignon Blanc and Gewürztraminer, Alessandro has created a wonderfully aromatic wine. A refreshing apéritif, Visionario is great with food, too - trout with almonds, chicken or creamy pasta.




Champagne & Sparkling

Langlois Carmin Rouge NV £119.88 (12 bottles), £9.99 (1 bottle)
Looks remarkable, tastes wonderful - a unique sparkling red from Bollinger's Loire valley estate..

Langlois Carmin Rouge is crafted with all the benefit of Champagne Bollinger's winemaking know how and shows how perfectly suited to fine fizz the vineyards of the Loire really are. When Edouard Langlois and Jeanne Chateau established their company in the 1870s, they never dreamt it would still be going strong in 2012, let alone that it would be owned by the legendary Champagne house Bollinger.This delightful sparkler is made from the classic red varieties of the Loire and crafted according to the same traditional method as Champagne. Bright crimson (the French word is 'carmin'), this vibrant, off dry red has rich fruit and spice flavours and gentle mouth caressing fizz. Serve chilled with red fruit puddings or dark chocolate flavours.



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