Indoor Exhibits At London Zoo

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Indoor Exhibits At London Zoo

We all love the sunshine, but it is not something you can guarantee in London all year round! Luckily, ZSL London Zoo is great whatever the weather is doing. With a number of indoor enclosures and animal houses - some which even transport you to tropical climates - read on to discover your ultimate guide to a rainy ZSL London Zoo.



ZSL London Zoo Aquarium

ZSL London Zoo Aquarium

ZSL London Zoo has had an Aquarium since 1853, and has a fascinating history. Separated into three different halls, which are home to different types of fish, the Aquarium is involved in many different conservation projects and breeding programmes.

Rainforest Life

Rainforest Life

See animals in a different light at Rainforest Life, ZSL London Zoo’s exciting new exhibit - including an amazing noctural experience.

Surrounded by butterflies

Surrounded by butterflies

ZSL London Zoo’s Butterfly Paradise exhibit features species from several major regions including Africa, South-east Asia and Central and South America.



From the long-legged emu to the tiny hummingbird, there are over 100 species of bird at ZSL London Zoo. In our Victorian tropical bird house Blackburn Pavilion and all over the Zoo, discover a little more about our birds here.



B.U.G.S (Biodiversity Underpinning Global Survival) is the zoo’s cutting edge biodiversity and Conservation exhibit. It is also the main place where invertebrates – animals without backbones – are displayed in the zoo, including insects, spiders, millipedes and lots of other creepy crawlies.

Reptile House

Reptile House

The Reptile House is home to some of the biggest and most venemous snakes on earth.
Read more about some of our most popular snakes at ZSL London Zoo and find out which snakes are the fastest, longest and most venemous in the world...