Important Affiliate Information - New Aurelia Website
The UK Aurelia team have been busy these past few months preparing for their new website launch. The time is here!
The new website has a lot of new enhancements, which will help increase conversions. The web launch incorporates new functionality available with the Magento 2 platform including; a faster service, improved responsive design for mobile as well as a more streamlined & efficient checkout. The new website displays more informative content, shop-able Instagram, a refined review section and overall a far more engaging design.
There will be a period of slower site loading/downtime on 19/08/19 between the hours of 9pm GMT- 12am GMT when we will be releasing the website and during this time we will not be running promotional activity driving traffic. We hope to minimise the impact on our partners working with us, with this in mind we are looking at a big promotion the latter part of this week. We will let you know as soon as the website has been checked and will give you more information on our promotion.
Please contact Mel or Gemma if you have any questions on