Hispek.com Vouchercodes Upto Extra 15% Off This Weekend

Written by tufail@hispek.com on . Posted in Programme Launches

Dear Affiliates,

I wanted to let you now about our new weekend promotion with upto 15% Extra savings on Denon, Marantz, Pioneer, Yamaha, Wharfdale, Sonos and Qacoustics, this offer will end midnight 14/9/2014.

Following vouchercodes have been set up and are availble for use immediately. Yamaha code which previosuly was set at 5% has now increased to 10% for the weekend and will revert back to 5% from Monday.

Vouchercode Offer URL
15OFFQACOUST 15% Off Q Acoustics Ends 14/9/2014 http://www.hispek.com/Q-Acoustics-bb-119.php
10OFFWHARF 10% off Wharfdale Ends 14/9/2014 http://www.hispek.com/Wharfdale-bb-94.php
5OFFPIONEER 5% Off Pioneer Offer ends 14/9/2014 http://www.hispek.com/Pioneer-bb-55.php
7OFFSONOS 7% off SONOS Ends 14/9/2014 http://www.hispek.com/Sonos-bb-81.php
10OFFDENON 10% Off Denon Offer Ends 14/9/2014 http://www.hispek.com/Denon-bb-22.php
10OFFYAMAHA 10% Off Yamaha Offer ends 14/9/2014 http://www.hispek.com/Yamaha-bb-77.php
10OFFMARANTZ 10% Off Marantz Offer ends 14/9/2014 http://www.hispek.com/Marantz-bb-45.php


If you need any further information or assistance with our programme, please contact Tufail or Vimal at Hispek.com

Happy Promoting.


Tufail Ahmed


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