Helping to spruce up the garden this season!

Written by Coopers on . Posted in Awin, Home & Garden, Offers/Promotions, UK

Hi Affiliates,

The garden can sometimes be forgotten through the cold and dark winter months, something we feel shouldn't be the case. With this said, some of our garden lines can help put a stop to this, whether it be for providing function or enhancing appearance!

Our new season Faux Ivy Fencing, at only £29.99, or our Buy One Get One Free Seed and Peanut Feeders, at only £14.99, both help to add to any garden's appearance, even when the weather's at its worst!

Deep Link For Ivy Fencing:!!!id!!!&clickref=&

Deep Link For Seed and Peanut Feeders:!!!id!!!&clickref=&

Remember to replace !!!id!!! with your own publishers ID.

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