Hallmark Hotels - Early Spa Breaks 2020
Hi publishers,
We hope that you are all well.
This week we would like you to promote Hallmark Hotel's Early spa breaks package.
Guests will receive 20% off one of five spa hotels between January and December 2020 :
Simply Spa Breaks - Including overnight accommodation, breakfast, dinner, and a 30-minute spa treatment.
Relaxing Spa Breaks - Including overnight accommodation, breakfast, dinner, and a 60-minute spa treatment.
Energising Escape Spa Breaks - Including two-night accommodation, breakfast each morning, a delicious evening meal on both nights, lunch on one day and a 60-minute spa treatment.
Girls Night In - Including overnight accommodation, breakfast, a delicious meal, a 30-minute spa treatment plus pre-dinner cocktail.
These Spa breaks are available at the following locations
If you wish to promote this offer, please get in touch with the team at affiliates@eqtr.com with your campaign suggestions and we can help to get you set up.
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Ross Bowers
Affiliate Manager
Tags: 6% commission, beauty, Hallmark Hotels, spa break