Half Price Bird Food Collections with FREE Delivery

Written by LovePets on . Posted in Awin, Voucher Codes

Merchant ID: 4395

Merchant Name: Bird-Food

Offer: Half Price Bird Food Collections and FREE Delivery


Start Date: 15/08/2012

End Date: 03/09/2012

Commission Rates: 8% on All Completed Orders - Rising to 10% on sales over £200 in the first month! (During our launch period)

Deep Link: http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4395&awinaffid=!!!id!!!&clickref=&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bird-food.co.uk%2Fs%2Fcat-wfc%2F%3Futm_source%3DAWin%26utm_medium%3DAffiliate%26utm_campaign%3DAffiliateBFC%26Media%3DAFLBFC


www.bird-food.co.uk offers a wide range of quality bird food, accessories and other products for the UK's wildlife to enjoy in your garden.

Our most popular range of bird food collections are our new Love Wildlife collections, which are all available to customers at half price and on FREE delivery!

We have a total of 6 different collections to choose from, ranging from £9.99 to £39.99.

These cater for all types of bird lovers needs, from beginners who want to work out what foods work for them to experienced bird enthusiasts who already have a number of friendly visitors to their garden.

Below are an example of a couple of the bird food collections that are on offer at www.bird-food.co.uk

Love Wildlife Gold Collection - £19.99

This collection is full of all the essential foods that the UK's birds love and it will soon encourage a host of beautiful birds to your garden.

Love Wildlife Platinum Collection - £24.99

The Love Wildlife Platinum Collection has an incredible 17 different bird foods in there and is available for under £25!
