Half Price Bare Root Roses From Just £4.99!

Written by Gary on . Posted in Awin, Home & Garden, Promotion

Merchant ID: 2833

Merchant Name: Garden Bargains

Offer: Half Price Bare Root Roses From Just £4.99!

Start Date: 08/10/2013

End Date: 22/10/2013

Commission: 10% on every completed order - rising to 15% if you make 100+ sales in a month! 3% for cashback sites!

Deeplink: http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=2833&awinaffid=!!!id!!!&clickref=&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gardenbargains.com%2Fflowers%2Froses.html%3Futm_source%3Dawin%26utm_medium%3Dawin%26utm_campaign%3Dhalf%2Bprice%2Broses

Offer Details:

One of the most popular and most beautiful flowers around is the Rose and right now at Garden Bargains you can purchase bare root roses from as little as £4.99 with a 50% saving.


Included in our range are Hybrid Teas and Floribundas of all different colours so you are certain to find the ones that will look best in your garden.

With our commission rates starting from 10% (excluding cashback sites) this is a great opportunity to generate a high number of sales with Garden Bargains in the coming weeks.

The link will take customers to our Roses category page where they can easily browse around to choose the varieties that they want.

If you require any more information about this offer then please email me at gary.cutler@idealshoppingdirect.co.uk.


Gary Cutler

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