Gunplan- The launch of a new program

Written by ROEye_SD on . Posted in Programme Launches

Good Afternoon,

We are pleased to inform you that the JRW group have launched a new program here on Affiliate Window for their gun insurance brand Gunplan. The program will still be under the umbrella of the Insure4Sport program but can be promoted as a separate entity. The commission terms are the same as Insure4Sport, with a 10% commission rate offered for every valid sale.

As an introductory offer, Gunplan is offering 5% off all insurance policies that are over £20! The code is GUNPLAN5.

Gunplan also has a range of banners available in the Affiliate Window interface.

If appropriate, it would be great to see you signing up and promoting Gunplan on your site in time for the beginning of shooting season.

The deeplink require is!!!id!!!&clickref=&

Make sure to include your AWin ID where it says !!!ID!!!.

If you have any questions please send your query to or

Many thanks,
The Gunplan Affiliate Team