Further reductions sale now on
Over at Walktall HQ today we have been slashing the prices of many of our sale items even further and we have also added a few more items to the sale.
There are still plenty of opportunities for your customers to grab themselves a big-sized bargain. Remember, once these sale items are gone, they're gone.
SALE: http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=1805&awinaffid=!!!id!!!&clickref=&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.walktall.co.uk
Walktall are the UK's number 1 retailer of shoes in large sizes. Our goal is to bring our customers the best of the high street in hard to find sizes at competitive prices. We offer a diverse range of footwear, in sizes 12-19, from the world's biggest brands plus a great selection of large size socks.
Happy Promoting
The Walktall Team