Funstock Digital launches GamesCom Daily Deals

Written by garrettmark on . Posted in Programme Launches




Save over 80% with our GamesCom Daily Deals using #FSGAMESCO

The 14th to 17th August see the biggest Video Games Show in Europe open its doors to 1000s of passionate games fans. There will also be millions of gamers following along with the news and events coming out of the show.

To celebrate this event Funstock Digital is running a series of Daily Deals from Tuesday 13th to Sunday 17th August.






We at least 3 daily promos running everyday with the lowest prices in the market we expect conversion to be very high as the urgency of these strict 24 hour deals drive impulse buying from a wide audience.

This deal is also great for news and content sites as there is a different story everyday which can tie into news coming from the event itself.

On site the deals are great PLUS we also offer a voucher code (#FSGAMESCO) that gives customers an extra 25% off all the games in the deal.

As always we are paying 2% gross commission on all promo sales and an extra 25p for every new customer.

If you haven't signed up to our programme yet we pay:

2% on all Hot Deals - Daily & Weekly Promos with a low ATV (£2.99 - £9.99) BUT high Conversion (+10%)

5% on all Pre-Orders - coming soon title with high ATV (+£29.99)

7% on all other sales

PLUS we pay an extra 25p for any new customer!
Links and Banners have been created in a range of sizes and styles but if you need something specific producing please get in touch.

Mark Garrett
+44 (0) 7825599457


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