Free Delivery on ALL Orders Over £25 at Bird-Food!
Merchant ID: 4395
Merchant Name: Bird-Food
Offer: Free Delivery on ALL Orders Over £25 at Bird-Food
Start Date: 05/10/2012
End Date: 01/11/2012
Deep Link:!!!id!!!&clickref=&
Offer Description:
The Bird-Food affiliate program is still relatively new, but with the winter months now creeping up on us it is the perfect time to join our program and promote our fantastic offers we have coming up.
We have a new free postage schedule that is now live that gives customers free delivery on all orders over £25!
With our average order value well above this already you can expect everyone who see this offer on your site to be very interested in finding out more.
Bird feeding is a hugely popular hobby that millions of people partake in every year so there is a real opportunity to generate large sales through this offer in the coming weeks.
Customers do not need to enter a discount code at the checkout, they can just shop as normal and the postage charge will be removed at the checkout for them.
Commission Rate:
We offer 6% commission on all completed sales!
Below I have highlighted a couple of our products that qualify for the free delivery offer on their own:
Nature Watch Full Colour Wireless Camera
See whats going on inside your birdhouse with the Nature Watch Full Colour Wireless Camera!
This amazing camera allows you to watch the animals in your garden from the comfort of your own home.
The Nature Watch Camera is rain resistant and will transmit images up to 100 metres
Love Wildlife Peanuts
This premium high energy peanut contains approximately 48% oil and has been tested for toxins to the highest standards.
These high energy peanuts provide excellent calorific value for your wild birds and will be a pleasurable purchase for you as you see birds flock to your home.
Ideally fed from a hanger, the peanuts are especially liked by Tit's, Fincfhes and Sparrows.!!!id!!!&clickref=&
Gary Cutler
Affiliate Marketing Manager