Free Delivery Code For!

Written by Gary on . Posted in Awin, Home & Garden

Merchant ID: 4395

Merchant Name: Birdco

Offer: Free Delivery For ALL Orders at Birdco


Start Date: 31/10/2013

End Date: 07/11/2013

Commission Rates: 10% Commission For Every Completed Order!

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We are heading into the busiest few weeks of the year for our bird food website ( and to encourage more people to start putting out a fresh source of quality food in their gardens we have a discount code that will give customers free delivery on all their orders at Birdco.

Our website is home to Love Wildlife bird food, premium quality seed and treats that help to keep the UK's wildlife fed and healthy during the most difficult times of the year for them.

Winter brings new and potentially fatal threats to thousands of birds as the freezing temperatures we get here in the UK can make natural food sources almost impossible to come by.

This is why millions of homes around the UK already put food out for the birds in their area as they are aware of how important a fresh supply of nutritious treats can be.

The code that customers need to enter at the checkout to get the free delivery is DELIVERY and will eliminate the usual £3.99 costs that orders at Birdco usually have.

The link will take customers straight to the homepage so they can browse the site as they wish and pick out the foods that they wish to purchase.


Gary Cutler

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