Exclusive Voucher Codes from Pabo ---- Earn up to 23% commission
Exclusive Voucher Codes
We know that you like to offer something different, and exclusive voucher codes seem to work for us, so we would like to tailor offers to your needs to allow you to achieve this.
Whether it’s a straight discount, spend and save (e.g. get £5 off when you spend over £30), or a saving across a specific brand or department (to fit in with a Fashion newsletter. for example) we can create custom codes, as well as links that give your readers automatic checkout savings.
If you think that exclusive voucher codes might work for you, check out the site at pabo.com. Let us know what sort of offer might work for your customers, and how you propose to communicate this to them. In particular, please send us your newsletter calendar so we can plan ahead.
New Voucher Code
Just a reminder that we still have 1 general voucher code live on the affiliate network interfaces.
Code: A0511
Offer: 15% OFF
Ends: 30th September 2012
As with most of our links and banners, this code has two versions – one to our full website, and the other to a 'family safe' lingerie and fashion only version, allowing you to tailor content to your target audience if you wish to do so.
Pabo UK ‘Family Safe’ site link example: Family Safe Site
This code expires on 30th September, so there’s still plenty of time to create some interest.
Get in Touch
Please email me on UKinfo@pabo.nl for any questions or comments regarding promotion codes, or if you feel there is anything we can do to help you promote sales through pabo.com.
Best regards,
Pabo UK Affiliate Team