Exclusive Early Booking Deals to Jersey

Written by jerseytravel on . Posted in General Promotions, Offers/Promotions, Seasonal Promotions, Travel, UK

Dear Affiliates,

We are today bringing you and your customers exclusive early booking offers negotiated with the following hotels:

Samares Coast Hotel ***samares-coast

7 nights for the price of 6

4th July - 18th September

Saving £116 per couple

Book now to get this deal!



Don’t forget to replace !!!id!!! with your own ID

Best Western Royal Hotel ***best-western-royal-hotel

5 nights for the price of 4

23rd May - 3rd July

Saving £110 per couple

Book now to get this deal!



Don’t forget to replace !!!id!!! with your own ID


Monterey Hotel ***monterey-hotel

3 nights for the price of 2

29th March - 22nd May

Saving £82 per couple

Book now to get this deal!



Don’t forget to replace !!!id!!! with your own ID


Norfolk Lodge Hotel ***norfolk-lodge-hotel

5 nights for the price of 4

22nd May - 3rd July

Saving £98 per couple

Book now to get this deal!



Don’t forget to replace !!!id!!! with your own ID

Thank you for updating your sites!

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:

Peter Foster – Marketing Manager – peter.foster@citravelgroup.com
Sandrine Swetenham – Marketing Executive – sandrine.swetenham@citravelgroup.com

Thanks for your continued support,
