e2save week 42 newsletter

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e2save affiliate newsletter

Hello affiliates,


Thanks for reading our Weekly Newsletter. Below you'll find our pick of this weeks greatest Deals, News, vouchercodes and other amazing offers offers.

Latest Industry News


Although we will be ranging EE contracts and handsets on the e2save site in the very near future, WE WILL NOT BE OFFERING COMMISSION on these sales

This is a decision that has been made by EE themselves and not something mobiles.co.uk can change.


Our Latest banners can be found via Affiliate Window in the banners and links section.

W41 -07-01-13 PAYM
W41 -07-01-13 Upgrades
W41 -07-01-13 Refurbished
W41 -07-01-13 Sim Only
W41 -07-01-13 Pay as you go

They're named as above and can be found in the following sizes728x90 | 300x250 | 468x60 | 120x600 | 160x600


e2save Contract Handsets

Refurbished iPhone5 16GB - o2 - Only £99.99 

Unlimited Minutes, unlimited Texts, 1000 MB Data
From Just £26.00 per month

Use the link below (always confirm that your affiliate ID is correct)



HTC Windows Phone 8X - Vodafone 

600 minutes, Unlimited Texts and 500MB Data
Just £29.00 per month

Use the link below (always confirm that your affiliate ID is correct)



Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini - Vodafone 

600 Minutes, Unlimited Texts and 500MB Data
Just £21.00 per month

Use the link below (always confirm that your affiliate ID is correct)


e2save Pay As You Go Deals

Samsung E1150 - Just £7.90 (+ £10 Topup) 

Use the link below (always confirm that your affiliate ID is correct)


BlackBerry Curve 9320 - Just £116.90 (+ £10 Topup) 

Use the link below (always confirm that your affiliate ID is correct)


Refurbished Samsung Galaxy Y - Just £49.90 (+ £10 Topup) 

Use the link below (always confirm that your affiliate ID is correct)


Samsung E1080 - Just £4.90 (+ £10 Topup) 

Use the link below (always confirm that your affiliate ID is correct)


Top Selling Handsets of the week

  1. Refurbished Apple iPhone 5 16GB Black
  2. Samsung Galaxy SIII Blue
  3. Samsung Galaxy SIII Red
  4. Refurbished Apple iPhone 5 16GB White
  5. Samsung Galaxy SIII White
  6. Apple iPhone 5 16GB Black
  7. Apple iPhone 4s 16GB White
  8. Refurbished Alcatel OT217D Black
  9. Samsung Galaxy SIII Mini Blue
  10. Apple iPhone 4s 16GB Black


e2save.com currently offer the following commissions.£26.50 - Contracts or Upgrades (with a handset)
£7.50 - Sim Only Contracts
£3.00 - Pay As You Go Handsets

Terms and Conditions


e2save operate on a last referrer commission payment system, meaning that if you are the last recorded click on a completed order you will be guaranteed the commission for that sale.

Keyword Policy

e2save request that affiliates do not bid on the trademark ‘e2save’, 'e 2 save', 'etwosave', 'e two save', or any misspells thereof.
Affiliates may not use the URL ‘www.e2save.com’ or www.e2save.co.uk.