E CigarretteDirect - New Offers
Ecigarette Direct - NEW Voucher Code!
Hi affiliates,
It's the time of the month when we put out big special offers and discounts on our best selling products!
Offer 1: Get a free mini kit and a spare battery with every standard Menthol Electronic Cigarette Kit
No Code Required!
Offer 2: Get 12% off cartridges with the code halloween-surprise
Simply let us know how the electronic cigarettes have changed your life, and you could win a super tank kit with two ultra tank batteries!
let us know by:
- Sending an email to Support@ecigarettedirect.co.uk
- Posting a comment anywhere on the net (forums, blog post, facebook e.t.c.) marking it as Ashtray Blog Competition entry, and posting a link to your comment!
- Final entries to the competition must be submitted by 1st November.
Good Luck and Happy Promoting!
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with me
Kind regards,
Daniel Sichel
Affiliate Account Manager
Tel: 0207 961 2425