E-Cigarette Direct - 12 Weeks Of Christmas

Written by Lakestar Media on . Posted in Awin, Offers/Promotions, Promotion, Promotion Type


E-Cigarette Direct - 12 Weeks Of Christmas

Good Morning,

This Monday it's the start of the second week of E-Cigarette Direct's 12 Weeks of Christmas Sale.

In Week Two we have another fantastic offer to help boost your sales!

And don't forget it's Stoptober! - the month to quit smoking - so why not join E-Cigarette Direct in promoting their products throughout this period.

For the duration of this period we also have an increased commission of 15%.

Affiliate revenue increased 264% in our last sale, so if you missed out last time this is your opportunity to take advantage of the increased revenue generated for affiliates.

Please see below for this week's offer.

- Get 50% off a coloured Ultra Tank Battery when you buy an Ultra Tank Kit - Savings of up to £4.99

As always banners are available in the Links and Banners section on Affiliate Window. So take advantage of this sale and the increased commission and start promoting!

Shahyad Shahir


Tel: 0207 9612426