Disneyland Paris offers at Attractiontix

Written by robert.miller@affiliatewindow.com on . Posted in Awin, General Promotions, Offers/Promotions, Promotion, UK


Dear Affiliates,

Don't miss out on promoting these fantastic offers for Disneyland Paris! 

Offer 1: 3 Days Entry for the Price of 2

Offer 2: 4 Days Entry for the Price of 3

Live Now - with no end date currently set!

Deeplink: http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=1356&awinaffid=!!!id!!!&clickref=&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.attractiontix.co.uk%2Ftickets%2Fdisneyland-paris

These are  very good offers in terms of savings (as we were already extremely competitively priced) and also very appealing to people travelling to Disney for a weekend (as it means they get an extra day in the park and can explore some of the other attractions or indeed venture further into the Studios park).

We have found this offer is really popular in the past, so we think it would be a great one to seed to the network, and it would be great to push it ahead of the bankholiday weekends coming up.

Don't forget to change !!!id!!! to your own publisher ID!

Happy Promoting!

The Attractiontix Affiliate Team