Dinosaur Party Products - Up to 50% off in our SALE
Hello Affiliates...
Who's seen the new Jurassic World Movie?
There's a worldwide hype around dinosaurs at the moment. We have a variety of dinosaur themed cookie, cupcake and cake decorating supplies for your audience.
We invite you to promote our Dinosaur party products using our new affiliate banner (If you need a specific size please let us know).
Dinosaur Cake Decorating/Party Supplies
We'd like to remind you that our Pre-Summer sale is now live. Please find details below:
Promotion: Up to 50% off in The Craft Company Pre-Summer Sale
Start date: Live now.
End date: Whilst stocks last.
Up to 50% off Sale
**Please do not forget to change !!!ID!!! to your own Affiliate ID in the above deep links**
*All sale promotions available until stocks last*
If you have any questions about our program, this weeks sale items or have a promotional idea, please get in touch with us at ricky@craftcompany.co.uk
Thanks for reading,
Ricky and The Craft Company Team
Tags: 50% Off Sale, birthday, cake decorating supplies, cake decorations, clearance, cookies, Cupcakes, dinosaur party, dinosaurs, party supplies, sale, summer sale