Design 55 – New Responsive Website Launch & 10% Off Code Affiliate Site Wide Offer

Written by Adam on . Posted in Programme Launches

Welcome affiliates to Design 55's latest newsletter, we have some exciting news in that our brand spanking new responsive website has launched featuring the very best in contemporary furniture, lighting and gifts.. So far the early signs are very good with the average order and the conversion rate increasing, which means more bang per click for you guys.


10% Discount Code - OCTOBER10

We would like to celebrate our relaunch with offering all publishers a 10% off code – October10. The code is live from the 1st of October and expires on October the 31st and excludes products that are already in the sale.

We have also added over 500 exciting new lines to the site just in time for Xmas. To join the Design 55 program please click here.

Design 55 Latest Products



Questions/ Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to request anything please contact Adam Watson at or on 01422 375940.


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